Introducing: The Super-Cob Series

March 11, 2022  •  Leave a Comment




The model call has been released, numerous applications have been recieved and the Super-Cob series is due to begin very shortly! I've already received some amazing stories for this series, but I wanted to shed some light on why I have decided to do this Photo-series before the first blog for the Super-Cob series is launched.


Throughout my years at university I always felt that my artwork had to have some meaning/reason for being created and put into the world - I don't particulalrly like the idea of 'Art for Art's Sake' as I feel it can be a powerful tool and so it should be used with the intention as such.

This intention has closely followed through into my Photography Work; my Private Photoshoots aims to capture, immortalise and show off an Important puzzle piece of my client's lives, and my event photography aims to catpure achievements, success and motion.
All of which serves a purpose to go out into the world - it is not just art for art's sake.


But when trying to come up with an idea for a Photo-Series that felt original & worth-while I seemed to hit a brick wall. I came to the idea of the Super-Cob Series with thanks to reflecting upon my own experience of horse ownership & the Equestrian Community/Competition Circuit.







Purchased in 2012 as a hairy, uneducated & unruly Five Year old, Oliver wasn't exactly the 'perfect first horse' that you may of wished to purchase for an equally as unruly and uneducated 12 year old...

However, after almost 10 years of hardwork, lots of sweat, tears and some blood on the odd occasion he has turned out to be, in my biased opinion, a Super-Cob.

Hunter Trials, ODE's, Showjumping, Dressage, Polo, Arena Eventing, Photoshoots, Beach Rides, Horsey Holidays, Pony Club - he's done it all - and even had a very successfull competition career during my teens - almost always coming back home with Rosettes.
(see below photos spanning from 2012-2021)



However, as a Cob owner of 10 years I also know that the breed doesn't necessarily have great notorioty within the equestrian community & often comes with a lot of stigma and a questionable reputation - particularly at the higher levels of Equestrian Competitions.

So much so that it has even impacted the way I think in a warm-up arena; feeling eye-catchingly underwhelming when warming up surrounded by much flashier horses.


This is exactly why I have set up the Super-Cob Series.


The aim of the Super-Cob series isn't to find tons of world-beaters, but to show off the breed for the versatile, trust-worth & beautiful breed that they truly are.

This is a breed that is incredibly close to my heart - and I want to show other people that they can be much more than 'just a fat hairy cob' and that they can be just as competitive as they can be safe enough for beginners to enjoy and learn the ropes on.








Email me on: [email protected]
Subject line ‘super cob submission’ & please provide the following information:

- Photograph(s) of your Cob
- The Location you are based in
- Why they are a Super-Cob
- Any achievements/stories about them that support their 'Super-Cob’ status!
~ Fiona x

Fiona Moore Photography
West Midlands Based Specialist Equine Photographer
Award Winning Equine Photographer available for Equine Photoshoot Sessions,
Equestrian Event coverage & Equestrian Brand/Business Photography.






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